You guys still remember me?
I'm back!
After some very annoying computer problems (which are all fixed now) I am finally back to blogging! And let me tell you that I am feeling a little rusty. Writing a blog post, like anything else I guess, is really a lot harder when you haven't done it for nearly two months than when you're churning out a post a couple times a week.
So, forgive any incoherence or rambling thoughts in this post. I'm still getting my blogging legs back.
I've missed you guys. And thank you so much for every single one of your kind and friendly emails wondering where in the world I'd gone. You guys are so great!
watercolor work in progress 10" x 14"
Here's one of several works in progress I've been working on lately. It's a portrait of my sweet little mare that I've had since I was seventeen who is now retired and living at my parent's house. This painting is further ahead right now than what this photo shows, but I really like this stage.
I've always been drawn to sketches and halfway finished works. They seem to have a little more personality sometimes than perfectly finished pieces. And there's just something about this stage in this particular piece that really 'speaks' to me. I'm not sure why. It just does.
I'm going to be posting just once a week from now on. My two months of forced unpluggage convinced me that less computer time is a pretty good thing.
I played more games with my boys. And overall just spent a lot of time having fun with them.
I organized certain areas of my house that I had SERIOUSLY been neglecting (cleaner, tidier bookshelves with extra space?! Now I can go buy more books! Sssh, don't tell my husband that that was my real motivation ok?)
Read a lot of books that I had been dying to get my hands on. Huzzah!!!
Spent time with the people in my life who matter more to me than anything else. Date nights, lunch with my mom and sister, you get the picture.
Started taking photos of small and simple things that happen in my every day life. (Look for these in future posts)
Sketched just for the fun of it, not as a training exercise.
Thought about writing and illustrating a children's book just for my boys.
In other words, I slowed down. I took time to enjoy the little things in my life that I had been taking for granted. And I loved it. Slowing down is a good thing. Sometimes we (and I mean 'me' here) get too caught up in where we want to be instead of where we are right now.
And I love my life right now too much to just sit still and watch it pass me by. Living my life is the only place I want to be.
In other news, I sold a painting internationally for the first time ever ('Emerge')! And my painting 'Here Be Dragons' won 1st place from an artist/juror that I've admired for years, Linda Stevens Moyer. :) How cool is that?
And speaking of cool. . . Check this out!
That's me breaking a board!
Hi - yah!
My boys started taking Tae Kwon Do last year and after watching their Master instructor demonstrate some AMAZING moves I knew I had to give it a try.
It is awesome and FUN!
So. . . that's what's been going on with me. Now I want to hear all about you. What's new with you guys? :)
See you next week everyone!