Motivational Mondays

Occasionally (and sometimes more than just occasionally) I need some extra motivation with regards to my artistic life. I need someone to help me through the artist blocks, rejection, fear, doubt, and negativity that sometimes creeps into my mind. I need a pep talk. And so I write one to myself, and anyone else who happens to be reading this blog too.

Maybe you need one too?

If so look no further!

Here's a link to all my posts that are written to inspire you. Happy reading. :) If you find something here that connects with you let me know will you? I'd love to hear from you. :)

The best of Crystal Cook's Motivational Mondays.

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Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment they really do mean so much to me! Because not all bloggers have their email enabled so I can reply directly through email I will try to reply here in the comments. If I don't please forgive me, life must have been hectic that day! :)) Huzzah!!

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