Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Rising Dust, and. . . what's with all the huzzah's?

'Rising Dust' sold
8" x 8" acrylic on canvas panel

So, yeah. I say Huzzah. Kind of a lot. Which got me thinking that I should probably let you guys in on why I say it so much. But first, here are a couple of definitions I found.

huz·zah also huz·za (h-zä)
interj. n.
Used to express joy, encouragement, or triumph.
1. A shout of "huzzah."
2. A cheer.

Huzzah *
Origin: Pirate
Meaning: A term used by pirates meaning "Oh yeah," "Hooray," or "WORD DAWG."
Side Note: Pirates preferred to be called American buccaneers.

*This one is my personal favorite, because I can just picture ye olde American buccaneers shouting "WORD DAWG" while sloshing around their rum. Tee hee. :)

I say huzzah because it makes me happy, just by saying it. It makes me feel like a kid again and as this is the year I turned 30 I need all the help I can get in that area. This word makes me more aware of small victories in my life, when large victories seem hard to find sometimes.

So, when I set down my brush after finishing this painting the other day and saw that it pretty much looked like the painting I was envisioning I whispered a little "huzzah" to myself, even though no one else could hear me.

Until next week my good friends! Huzzah!

Up Next Week: I'm working on a step by step watercolor portrait post for next week, that will talk a little bit more about my process. If anyone has any questions or things they'd like me to talk about in more detail feel free to email them to me (crystal@crystalcookart.com) or leave them in the comments. :D


  1. Crystal this is magnificent, so vibrant, this painting could be in the definition of huzzah!

  2. Huzzah.. :)
    This painting has loads of energy. I just loved how you have used complementary warm and cools here which gives it that energy..

    And eagerly waiting for your next post.. Huzzah..

    p.s. My comp was not letting me leave a comment in the last post. I thought that was a fantastic painting. Made me very happy..

  3. I'll have to start saying huzzah, as I'm turning 30 next week! Good to know it helps. Looking forward to your process posts next week too!

  4. Lovely one, Crystal....huzzah! We've said huzzah ourselves for many years. We love to attend rennaisance festivals such as King Richard's Faire in Carver, MA which runs from about Labor Day to Columbus Day. So huzzah is a commonly used word around our place. :)

  5. Love those warm, energetic colors. Another beauty!! Hope you had a great 4th and I'm looking forward to your step by step watercolor:)

  6. Looks to me like you have been getting bolder with your colors and brushstrokes with each painting - for the few months :) I like where you are taking your pieces! Hazzah is the right word to say here i suppose !!!

  7. Stunning colours Crystal, Ive never heard Huzzah before, or have I?? Well Huzzah!

  8. '...and as this is the year I turned 30 I need all the help I can get in that area'?????... Eek!!! How do I feel then at 40!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol! ;0)
    I love this beautiful painting - It is stunning! Absolutely gorgeous. Huzzah!!! Yes - you are right, it does feel good to say that. I might have to adopt that word :0D

  9. Turned 30 and need help? You're just a youngster. I'm not even going to hint at how long ago it was I turned 30.
    When I saw your painting here the first word that popped into my head was Huzzah. Maybe it was because I read it, can't be 100% sure. I really do think the word fits the painting. I'm looking forward to your step by step.

  10. Dear Crystal,
    Very beaurtiful painting, but full of power, I love it. Thank you for exploring the defintion. So fascinating.
    Cheers, Sadami

  11. HUZZAH!!! an amazing painting and a great post! i've been wondering about huzzah and now it's even cooler than i originally thought! so looking forward to reading and seeing your process. i guess my question would be what moves you to paint a specific subject and what are you feelings prior to the first instant you touch brush to paper/canvas/support?
    and thank you so much again for your support through the dreads!

  12. Fantastic horse painting...and we all know I love horses! Glad you cleared up the huzzah thing, every time I saw it I thought it was something I should know but didn't. So Huzzah!! :-)

  13. Lovely painting. The orange background is so unusual and complements the shape of the horse so well. Cant wait to see the step-by-step. I am sure it will reveal many of your trade secrets ;-)

  14. Beautiful painting - can feel the heat and energy in it!
    Words are fabulous, aren't they?
    Numbers - are not to be worried about :) xx

  15. HUZZAAAAAAH!!! Ok, you know that was gonna happen :P
    No, seriously, I can't wait for your wip Crystal!

  16. What a beautiful color to bring out that wonderful horse!! you're amazing, Crystal!! I am looking forward to your step-by-step!! And thank you for "Huzzah"! it will probably remain in my head all day! LOL!

  17. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog last week and for your kind comment. I was on vacation which is why I'm just barely getting over here to visit you. Your art is beautiful!!! You are truly talented! Huzzah!!


  18. How exactly do you pronounce Huzzah? With a big emphasis on the second syllable? I want to say it too! I love the painting! You did a great job!

  19. I like how you can say it with an emphasis on two different sylables...

  20. I like the reflected colour on the horse in this one Crystal.

  21. Stunning color and great movement.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment they really do mean so much to me! Because not all bloggers have their email enabled so I can reply directly through email I will try to reply here in the comments. If I don't please forgive me, life must have been hectic that day! :)) Huzzah!!

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