Monday, January 23, 2017

Luminous Berries and Art Life Updates

Luminous Berry
5 x 5 watercolor on paper

For the last several months painting has constantly been on my mind. I dream up ideas for future paintings, my hands itch to hold a brush, and I try to figure out how to get 26 hours out of each day, or require less than 5 hours of sleep at night, so I can get more painting time.

Since the new year came and the holidays are gone for another year (YASSS) I made a promise to myself that I would paint every day. If only for 15 minutes. Well. . . . I haven't kept that promise. Some days I just can't make it to paint. Which IS frustrating. BUT on the positive side I have painted more this month than I did the last six months combined. So I think I'm onto something here.

This painting is the first watercolor daily painting (never mind that it took me about 6 days to finish instead of 1) I've finished in. . . 3 years I think. And I have found a lot of satisfaction in that.

I'm excited to keep on painting, I have SO many ideas sketched out! We'll see how well I do at keeping this blog updated too.

Thanks for following along with my artwork!



  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je suis très heureuse de vous retrouver. Il est vrai que je ne suis pas toujours très présente sur les blogs.

    Je croquerais bien cette belle fraise tant elle est tentante !... Belle peinture...

    Gros bisous 🌺

  2. well you are off to a glowing start that is for sure.....a real beauty!

  3. Bonjours a Martine! D'ou viens tu?? Moi, je suis nee a Montreal, but maintenant je demeurs a Charleston, Caroline du Sud! (hope I spelled all that correctly! Nice to "hear" French again!)

  4. Crystal, I've been following your work for years, and I am so happy to see that you are painting again. The world needs your beautiful art and soul!

  5. It's SO nice to click on your blog and see your work again Crystal!!! It's like the old days coming back! Lol. I love this painting....beautiful rich reds....

  6. It is beautiful, I love the glowing light!

  7. Shortage of time is why it's taken me 4 days to comment now and why I painted nothing at all in the first 9 months of 2016 and then 9 paintings in the last 3 months. Nevertheless, your glowing berry was well worth waiting for - love it!

  8. Oh my! I can't believe it, I had no idea you were blogging again! This is wonderful because I have really missed it sinse you stopped! I only came here because I have just moved my own blog from Blogger to Weebly and I decided it was time for a freshen up, a new start and so a new blog. I thought I'd visit some of the blogs I most enjoyed to get some ideas and of course you were one of them... And I have found that you are painting and posting again! I'm so thrilled and your work is as exquisite as it ever was! Welcome back!!

  9. Wow! What a great idea,Keep posting this kinds of articles most,it will be useful to everyone.


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment they really do mean so much to me! Because not all bloggers have their email enabled so I can reply directly through email I will try to reply here in the comments. If I don't please forgive me, life must have been hectic that day! :)) Huzzah!!

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