Thursday, August 5, 2010

What matters most

      I have two questions for you this week as you think about what and how you will create.

1. What matters more to you than anything else in the world? What do you feel passionately about? What do you love?

Paint it, draw it, write it, photograph it.

2. When was the last time you felt joy while you were painting? (or whatever else you do that's creative) Try and figure out what made you feel like that and do it again.

     When I paint what I love, what matters to me I feel joy. When I paint colors and light that are exciting I feel joy. I want to feel joy when I create. That's kind of the whole point right? I think asking yourself those two questions will bring you more happiness while you're working. It's not all about the end result right? Right :)

 So next time you start to feel like this with your work:

Ask yourself those two questions and see if they help you feel more like this:

Or, you could just go and get a big stick. Worked for him anyway. :)


  1. Ha ha, very true! I tell myself over and over again that that is why I don't paint for money, but for the enjoyment of it alone.
    If my painting turns out to be a great big flop, I could always use that big stick to bash away at it - would work wonders for my frustration too I guess!

  2. Children always have the answer, Crystal. The problem is we have forgotten how to look at things like a child. For us adults, everything is so complicated. Ever heard of the book "Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten"? I think it's true. He's adorable..............

  3. Children always have the answer, Crystal. The problem is we have forgotten how to look at things like a child. For us adults, everything is so complicated. Ever heard of the book "Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten"? I think it's true. He's adorable..............

  4. Both pics are soooooooo.. I am lost for an adjective...

  5. Hehe nice pics Crystal, and very true we must paint what we love to paint.

  6. My children and husband matter to me more than anything in the world! Without them life would be so empty.
    I feel joy whenever I paint, even if it is a teapot or an egg! Just as long as it is going well I enjoy doing it, otherwise i just feel frustrated.
    I LOVE your photographs! So cute!!

  7. Great post, Crystal. It is so important to love what you do, and to paint what you love!

  8. Thanks for this post, How true it is, that its only the joy of creating that matters. One who is looking for anything but this, is in fact wasting his time! Your posts always make me think. Thanks for that. And thanks also for the nice comments on my sketches.
    BTW Pride and Prejudice (2005) is also my all time favourite movie. I might have watched it some 250 times till now and there are no signs of fatigue or boredom yet :)

  9. Great Crystal. Love your outlook on life. I have always said that life is too serious to be taken seriously.

  10. What a great post. And that last line made me laugh out loud. Your paintings are beautiful.

  11. Good brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.


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